
Republic by Plato. New York. 1993. Oxford University Press. 0192126040. Translated from the Ancient Greek by Robin Waterfield. 475 pages. hardcover. Jacket illustration: detail from 'The Acropolis', Carl Haag.  

0192126040DESCRIPTION - What is at stake is far from insignificant: it is how one should live one's life.' The central work of the Western world's most famous philosopher, Republic is essentially an enquiry into morality, but it contains crucial arguments and insights into many other areas of philosophy. Socrates and others meet to discuss the ideal community, where morality can be achieved in the balance of wisdom, courage, and restraint. The dialogue is, however, as much about our internal life as about social morality, for these vital elements must likewise work together to create harmonious human beings. Plato achieves more than a philosophical dialogue of lasting fame and importance: Republic is a literary masterpiece too, for he presents the philosophy for the ordinary reader, who is carried along by the wit and intensity of the dialogue and by Plato's unforgettable images of the human condition. This new, lucid translation by Robin Waterfield is complemented by full explanatory notes and an up-to-date critical introduction. 'Waterfield's is certainly the best translation of the Republic available. It is accurate and informed by deep philosophical understanding of the text unlike other translations it combines these virtues with an impressive ability to render Plato into English that is as varied and as expressive as is Plato's Greek.' - Professor Julia Annas, University of Arizona. Jacket illustration: detail from The Acropolis, by Carl Haag. PLATO (c, 427-347 BC), Athenian philosopher-dramatist, has had a profound and lasting influence upon Western intellectual tradition. Born into a wealthy and prominent family, he grew up during the conflict between Athens and the Peloponnesian states. Following its turbulent aftermath, he was deeply affected by the condemnation and execution of his revered master, Socrates (469-399), on charges of irreligion and corrupting the young. Reacting against political activity, Plato now devoted his life to philosophy and to composing memoirs of Socratic enquiry cast in dialogue form. He was strongly influenced by the Pythagorean thinkers of southern Italy and Sicily, whom he reputedly visited when he was about 40. Sometime after his return to Athens he founded the Academy, an early ancestor of the modern university Plato is the earliest Western philosopher from whose output complete works have been preserved. For their combination, dramatic realism, poetic beauty, intellectual vitality, and emotional power his dialogues are unique in Western literature. ROBIN WATERFIELD was born in 1952. After graduating from Manchester University, he went on to research ancient Greek philosophy at King's College, Cambridge. He has been a university lecturer (at Newcastle upon Tyne and St. Andrews), and an editor and publisher. Currently, however, he is a self-employed consultant editor and writer, whose books range from philosophy to children's fiction. He has translated, in particular, a number of Plutarch's essays, Xenophon's Socratic works, and several other dialogues by Plato.Plato

AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY - Plato (c.427-347 BC) stands with Socrates and Aristotle as one of the shapers of the whole intellectual tradition of the West. He founded the Athenian Academy, the first permanent institution devoted to philosophical research and teaching, and the prototype of all Western universities. ROBIN WATERFIELD was born in 1952. After graduating from Manchester University, he went on to research ancient Greek philosophy at King's College, Cambridge. He has been a university lecturer (at Newcastle upon Tyne and St. Andrews), and an editor and publisher. Currently, however, he is a self-employed consultant editor and writer, whose books range from philosophy to children's fiction. He has translated, in particular, a number of Plutarch's essays, Xenophon's Socratic works, and several other dialogues by Plato.






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